3:13 PM me: why do people like movies I don't like????
Kristin: which movie?
me: doubt
Kristin: hm. who?
3:14 PM me: these guys I usually like, from filmspotting
they're talking about how brilliant and complicated this movie is
and I thought just the opposite: why???
Kristin: well, remember when it was cool that michael reviewed cloverfield and didn't slam it?
3:15 PM me: yes
Kristin: maybe it's like that.
me: but
Kristin: except
he didn't call it brilliant.
he liked it for what it was.
me: right
and not only did he not call it brilliant, he didn't call it brilliant for all the exact same reasons I thought it was lame
3:16 PM Kristin: right
me: he didn't talk about how brilliant and innovative it was to use hand held camera
how he was astonished because no one has ever done that before
he didn't talk about how subtle and clever it was to cut back and forth between the two stories
Kristin: well, i can't answer your question, but i will say this is the reason we needed our own blog.
I stand by my statement. If we need further proof, it's Michael's rockin' review of Cloverfield.
For the record, my ideal movie would feature clergy enduring a crisis of faith while getting eaten by a horrible monster; also at least three musical numbers and no ammunition smaller than .38.
Until Hollywood sees the light, though, I'll tend to be pretty lenient with my reviews, 'cause a little bit is better than nothing.
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