Yes. We like Joe Versus the Volcano. We like it, and we need not feel shame.
It's difficult to enumerate why exactly it's so popular--the movie has a lot going against it. Meg Ryan just isn't a character actress, and normally if we want to watch one person play a multitude of roles we can always fall back on Kind Hearts and Coronets. And to be honest, it's not just the acting is it? The writing leaves much to be desired, the direction is confusing, and for some reason all the great actors are buried in less than 3 total minutes of footage. But I think we can love this movie, and these are the reasons why:
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the depiction of the island inhabitants is a fairly funny satire of the tradition that precedes it. After a lot of debate our ruling is: not racist (the wisdom of the African-American chauffeur is a pointed stereotype in a movie where for no clear reason every character, and indeed every passing dog is a source of insight...right?...) .
If for no other reason I will stand by this movie because it reminds me of innocent times, when Tom Hanks stranded and desperate on a unknown island was one a short and funny excuse to make fun of adventure movies. Not, as it was later (in the dark times): a painfully long FedEx commercial masquerading as an insightful character study of man in extreme isolation. For the record: depression era movie renters want their disaster films colorful, and full of gratuitous shopping montages.
Last, and foremost, this movie is an ode to quitting. I *love* that about this movie. Some things, work, bosses, and even living, suck, and if ever anyone wanted to sit back and wish they had an inexplicable brain dysfunction that would allow them a week of bad behavior and unwarranted merriment, followed by a quick and notable death, Joe is just that person. So here's to recognizing that some projects aren't worth continuing. Sometimes being stranded on a raft where the only land for miles has just sunken in a smoldering mound of lava beneath a hostile and probably shark-filled sea is simply better than that miserable job. So here's to resignation letters, and to the *British* version of the office--without the Christmas Special.

Isn't he 'fired' in the end?
As previously discussed (re: Borat, Tropical Thunder) I'm not sure awareness of trading in stereotypes is enough to warrant a "not offensive" ruling. Because I still feel gross if I laugh at these jokes. For what it's worth.
I mean, I agree with you that it's "a satire of the tradition that precedes it." I'm just not sure I can go along with the more radical claim that it's "fairly funny."
How do I do that thing where you leave "fairly funny" but cross it out and write something more accurate? I can only make it bold or italicized, which makes it look like I mean it even more, not like I'm rethinking it.
The tag "< strike >" will do that. But it's not allowed in comments.
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