The island is more densely populated than their original destination of LA. Sun establishes a community garden, designs well protected green space, and a new school district is proposed to accommodate the island’s growing child population.
Jack continues to Deliver Lines With Intensity, often to the point of being a raving jackass (apologies), after which he cries to remind us he is sensitive, and has been hurt.
More survivors admit that they, too, have killed a man. Kate and Sawyer feel threatened, and he begins to sacrifice a baby polar bear hourly to maintain his current rep as bad boy. Kate disapproves as sexily as is humanly possible.
Locke continues to be the best character, for which the writers heap and unbelievable amount of misfortune on him via flashbacks.
Among these misfortunes are 5 car accidents, 2 freak hanggliding mishaps, a one night stand who steals his other kidney, and a bullet to the spinal cord, none of which explains his paralysis.
Hurley continues to be overweight, which means everything that happens to him is funny, even when it’s tragic.
10 percent of the survivors continue to make the decisions for the other 90. The death toll of the other 90% is remarkably high, but they remain incredibly grateful.
In a shocking revelation of interconnectedness among seeming strangers, every living soul on the island has a photo of the same aunt Clara in his or her pocket. Flashback: family reunion, 1982.
I link everyone to the Gashlycrumb Losties via every possible social networking forum I can find.
[photo: Locke hears my pleas and kills almost everyone on the island. The next 3 seasons are his and Hurley's voice overs as they live out their days in peace. This is a fantasy, not a prediction.]
The interconnectedness is so much cheesier than your family reunion setup. It's only going to get more LOST-like from here...
Locke is great, but his role as a (the) moral center starts to get strained. Hurley kind of takes that over, IMO, really quietly; which is a surprise since he is pretty much the worst actor on the show, including Evangeline Lilly.
(Really though Season 3 has the two worst episodes BUT things start to get awesome at the same time SO ignore the crap about tattoos and diamonds.)
Tattoos and diamonds?! Worse acting than Evangeline Lilly? Are you guys sure I should be watching this?
Wait. Ahem. Jack voice:
"I'M NOT SURE I SHOULD BE WATCHING THIS. LOCKE?!?!?!?" [inexplicably madder at Locke than anyone else, including Sawyer, who's probably torturing squirrels in full view of everyone there).
Shannon is dead! This show is great!
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