Law & Order is now streaming on Netflix! Not the smutty SVU kind. NO. Original kind. It's awesome, and very very very dated. There are scenes where the cameras are positively out of focus. It's the Dark Shadows of early 90s courtroom dramas.
This may be the inaugural post of a series I Law & Order sightings: big name stars before they were big, playing all kinds of riff raff. Behold below: Is that Phillip Seymore Hoffman? As a drug-addled defendant? But wait, who is his attorney? Could it be Samuel L. Jackson?
Yes. Yes it is. Enjoy.
This is pretty great. And it totally puts me in the mind of watching 90s L&O with my old roommate David Kaplin, esq.:
DK (late of Sullivan & Cromwell): WTF that's totally fruit of the poison tree and it will come back to bite them in the next half hour.
Me (late of NY theater): OMG I got SO HIGH with the defendant.
Oh Michael. When will you tell us more about your NY theater days? Perhaps while I do famous people sightings you could do "I got high with that guy!" sightings.
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