Monday, July 8, 2013

So it goes.

Charlie Kaufman Writing ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’ Movie for Guillermo del Toro

(How they gonna do four-dimensional aliens? I hope not like that Donnie Darko hooey.)


Kirsten said...

This is either...brilliant...or crazy? I can't even fathom how to know which.

Has anyone read Perdido Street Station? That's the book that could never be visualized that I want to see visualized so I can hate it.

Lydia said...

My immediate response to the idea of a del Toro/Vonnegut/Kaufman movie is, "No thank you," even though I basically like all of those guys. I guess I'm just not sure every great novel needs to be a movie.

Have not read Perdido Street Station.

michael said...

My reaction was "This is PERFECT. It will NEVER WORK." Though I guess maybe not perfect; if I got to pick the dream director of S5, I'd probably give it to Gondry.

I haven't read PSS either, but Mieville and I aren't on the same wavelength; I tried the squid one and it wasn't for me.