Sunday, February 2, 2014

"Famous deaths invite hyperbole. The news that Philip Seymour Hoffman was discovered dead today in an apartment bathroom, with a syringe sticking out of his arm, seems like an occasion to overreact with some exaggerated summary of his career—something like 'most talented and kaleidoscopic actor of his time.'  
Except, in this case, the compliment isn't hyperbolic at all. It's just an accurate description, as true yesterday as it is today.... 
It's not clear that there were roles Philip Seymour Hoffman could not do. He had so many lives within him—and more, undiscovered and unseen. Those are the lives, aside from his own, we've now lost."

[videos: I found a clip of perhaps his strongest moment from Boogie Nights, but it was way too heartbreaking to include.]


Lydia said...

There's a rumor that the "I'm a fuckin idiot" scene from Boogie Nights wasn't in the original script. That's the scene you're talking about?

I had a dream that I kept running into Philip Seymour Hoffman in various places, and I knew I was supposed to tell him that he was dead, but I was too shy.

It's annoying when people talk about their dreams.

Kirsten said...

That's the scene I'm talking about. Except I'm trying not to talk about it, because it makes me weirdly sad.

Sort of like your dream.

Note: not annoying.

I dreamed Pussy Riot came to Richmond and they wouldn't visit the jail and I was really hurt.