Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dear Movie Stars, Please Make More Funny Movies

I'm just gonna go right ahead and say it. I hated Lost In Translation. For one thing, I'm sick of movies about how hard it is to be a really successful middle aged dude with several hot women in love with you. It's probably a good movie. Whatever. It's boring.

It's not as if I don't like Bill Murray, or even didn't like him in this role, he was fine. I just wish he was making more funny movies, because I think really good comedic acting is rarer than really good dramatic acting. I miss Dr. Venkman.

I think of this as a common and sad phenomenon. People make funny movies, then they go on to prove themselves in some serious role, and then they do only serious and/or Important movies. But then I started making this list, and it seems like I might be wrong. Steve Martin may take himself too seriously as a writer, but he still mostly acts in (ostensibly) funny movies. Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey (neither of whom would be on any top twenty list of my favorite funny people in the first place anyway) have both done some serious stuff, but they've kept on making "funny" movies too.

So here's my whole argument:

This is awesome.

This is lame.


Kirsten said...

Thank god. I thought I was the only one who hated Forest Gump.

VanderZee said...

and here I am thinking "why does everyone hate Forest Gump?"