Thursday, February 19, 2009


I watched Dollhouse. I was able to see the conversation Joss had when creating it.

ELIZA DUSHKU: I need wear hot outfits. But how will I do it?

JOSS WEADON: Let’s make a witty show full of great dialog.

ELIZA: But will that show me off in hot outfits enough? Will the Dialog distract?

JOSS: You may be right. What about a straight-up action show?

ELIZA: I will wear hot outfits, right?

JOSS: Sure. But it will be on FOX.

ELIZA: How will that affect the hot outfits?

JOSS: Have you seen what they’d done to Summer Glau on Terminator?

ELIZA: … Let’s do it.

I’ll keep watching it, because I have know that dude can write. I just wish he had done this with Quantum Leap.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

I read about their "four hour lunch" but I had no idea there was a transcript.