Friday, June 7, 2013


is terrible, which is too bad because it's a sort of detective / western set in Wyoming and filmed in New Mexico, which combines my favorite genres and settings with beautiful long shots of the landscape.

It's awful because of the writing and the acting, but the cinematography is pretty good, which really leaves me wanting to like it. That, sadly, is impossible, mostly because of the representation of Native Americans, but also of women, and of the mennonites, who they can't keep separate from the Amish, and even if they'd said "Amish" instead of "Mennonite" they wouldn't have gotten that right anyway.

I want to make a law for all of Hollywood: All nicely shot southwestern detective programming must be well written and at least tolerably acted because I wish to watch it.

[photo: Longmire - it would be too shaming to make eye contact.]

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