Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This unsubstantiated rumor might not be true, but that won't stop me whining.

Note: the Westhampton theater, especially upstairs, is very small and very cramped. Even I feel like the seats are too close together, and I am very short-legged. I don't care.I still don't want it to be converted into another restaurant I will never go to. 


Kirsten said...

This is CRAP. Isn't that our only theater that plays something other than huge box office hits?

Lydia said...

Kind of...most of the things that play there also play at the Bow Tie for a day or two at some point. But it is our only theater that ONLY plays indie/foreign/documentary/woody allen movies. And it's the only theater I can conveniently walk to, and stop for bulk candy at Libbie Market on the way.

And, seriously, an even moderately tall person CANNOT fit in the seats upstairs. Maybe that's why everyone walked out of Tree of Life.

Kirsten said...

If we went to a bunch of movies there in the next week, would it help at all?