Sunday, September 4, 2011

An old friend recently posted something online about watching a movie called Broken, which he identified as one of the most disturbing things he's seen in a long time. I spent the next few minutes searching around for information about it, and discovered that it has some pretty spectacular reviews on Amazon. Below are some of my favorites excerpts:
Some annoying whimpering that we could've done without. The kidnapper was a cross between Crocodile Dundee and Indiana Jones dress wise. Personality wise, he was just dull dull dull. I dunno, man.

The only thing that made this movie upsetting was finding out it's based on truth.*  
We basically know nothing at all. Including who he is, why he tortures people, why he chose Hope, how he captured her, what the point of sewing a razor into her stomach was, and why the hell he insists on wearing this ugly hat. It really isn't menacing at all. [see photo.]

i really like the sustained undercurrent of evil tension and fear throughout the entire movie. perhaps it is the fact that the bad guy has moments of "could you call it" appreciation for his victims...  
A woman wakes up trapped in a wooden box. Not sure how she got there, she's just there. Man, talk about freaky!

Yes, it makes SAW look like HEEHAW. The harsh bloody events grate on your mind and turn your soul into shredded cheese. Brooootal.

I've watched a depressing number of movies today that have scenes which can only be called unapologetic filler.

Okay, so maybe the guy wasn't all snips and snails and puppy dog tails...**
Lots of screaming in some parts, which may be seen as irritating.

The best part of the movie was the haunting music from Mortiis. It added the only element of emotion.

Extreme and Demented! Just the Way I Like Them. By now you must believe that I'm demented or something. Good assumption. I work at watching such horrific films as "BROKEN".

A hackneyed attempt to duplicate the gore in saw without any of the plot line.***

*I could find no confirmation of this anywhere, and based on the plot outlines I don't see how any of it could be confirmed.

**Isn't he? Isn't that poem all about how little girls are edible and little boys are dismembering cannibals? Let's check: "sugar and spice and everything nice" vs. "snips and snails and puppy dog tails." You decide.

***This viewer longs for the intricate plot development of the saw movies. LOOK ON YOUR WORKS, HOLLYWOOD, AND DESPAIR.

[photo: I agree the hat is not menacing. It is possible the hat is more prominently featured in the film than in the grainy trailer I found, from which this screenshot is taken.]

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